Armatury AL10 Self-Acting Valve
رقم المنتج: AL10 Self-Acting Valve
المصنع: Armatury
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Datasheets for Armatury AL10 Self-Acting Valve
Description for Armatury AL10 Self-Acting Valve
Application The self-acting valve protects backward fl uid fl ow. It is used in primary, secondary and auxiliary circuits of the nuclear power plant inside and outside hermetically sealed zones. Working medium radioactive water steam gas other working media Maximum working temperature Tmax 350 °C Technical description The swing check valve is fabricated design. The body and the bonnet are connected together by fl anged joint. Production range DN 50-500 MAWP up to 25,0Mpa Body material forged carbon steel 11 416.1 stainless forged steel 08X18H10T (1.4541) Operation self-acting operation
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