BECKHOFF AM3054-wLy0-0000
رقم المنتج: AM3054-wLy0-0000
المصنع: BECKHOFF
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Datasheets for BECKHOFF AM3054-wLy0-0000
Description for BECKHOFF AM3054-wLy0-0000
AM3054 | Servomotor 14.9 Nm (standstill torque)Data for 400 V ACAM3054-wGyz-0000AM3054-wHyz-0000Standstill torque14.30 Nm14.90 NmRated torque12.9 Nm12.6 NmRated speed1500 min-11800 min-1Rated power2.03 kW2.38 kWPeak torque54.4 Nm53.9 NmStandstill current5.00 A5.50 APeak current25.0 A27.5 ATorque constant2.88 Nm/A2.57 Nm/AVoltage constant185 mV/min-1165.6 mV/min-1Number of poles10Rotor moment of inertia11.92 kgcm²11.92 kgcm²Weight9.00 kgHolding torque brake (Mbr)14.5 NmPower consumption (brake) at 24 V DC (Pbr)20 WRotor moment of inertia incl. brake (J)12.093 kgcm²12.093 kgcm²Weight incl. brake (m)10.1 kgData for 400 V ACAM3054-wKyz-0000AM3054-wLyz-0000Standstill torque14.40 Nm14.10 NmRated torque10.0 Nm8.13 NmRated speed3500 min-14500 min-1Rated power3.68 kW3.83 kWPeak torque54.8 Nm53.9 NmStandstill current9.70 A12.50 APeak current48.5 A62.5 ATorque constant1.50 Nm/A1.13 Nm/AVoltage constant96.6 mV/min-172.9 mV/min-1Number of poles10Rotor moment of inertia11.92 kgcm²Weight9.00 kgHolding torque brake (Mbr)14.5 NmPower consumption (brake) at 24 V DC (Pbr)20 WRotor moment of inertia incl. brake (J)12.093 kgcm²Weight incl. brake (m)10.1 kgOrder referenceAM30uv-wxyz-000auflange codevmotor lengthw = 0smooth shaft (standard)w = 1shaft with groove and feather key according to DIN 6885w = 2shaft with IP 65 sealing ring and smooth shaft (AM304x to AM308x)w = 3shaft with IP 65 sealing ring and shaft with groove and feather key (AM304x to AM308x)xwinding code A…Ty = 0resolver, 2-poley = 1single-turn absolute encoder, EnDat 2.1, absolute position within one revolution, electronic identification plate, AM302x…AM304x: 512 sine periods per revolution, AM305x…AM308x: 2,048 sine periods per revolutiony = 2multi-turn absolute encoder, EnDat 2.1, absolute position within 4,096 revolutions, electronic identification plate, AM302x…AM304x: 512 sine periods per revolution, AM305x…AM308x: 2,048 sine periods per revolutiony = 3single-turn absolute encoder, BiSS, absolute position within one revolution, electronic identification plate, AM302x…AM308x: 2,048 sine periods per revolutiony = 4multi-turn absolute encoder, BiSS, absolute position within 4,096 revolutions, electronic identification plate, AM302x…AM308x: 2,048 sine periods per revolutionz = 0without holding brakez = 1with holding brake for AM302x…AM308xa = 0rotatable angular connectors for motor and feedback cable (only for AM302x up to AM307x)a = 3vertical connectors for motor and feedback cables (only for AM302x up to AM307x)The options cannot be installed in the field. Options such as shaft seal, holding brake, absolute encoder can lead to a reduction of the nominal rating.All electric quantities are RMS values.
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