Gestra OR52-5
رقم المنتج: OR52-5
المصنع: Gestra
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Rating Count: 5218
يرجى الاتصال بفريق الدعم المباشر لدينا أو ملء نموذج العرض عبر الإنترنت للحصول على معلومات مفصلة عن المنتج Gestra - OR52-5 - Gestra OR52-5 سوف نعود إليك في أقرب وقت ممكن.
Datasheets for Gestra OR52-5
Description for Gestra OR52-5
Oil and Turbidity Detector TURBISCOPE OR 52/5, OR 52/6 Description Use oil and turbidity detector OR 52 only for monitoring transparent liquids to detect any ingress of light-scattering and insoluble foreign matter. The oil and turbidity detector OR 52-5/-6 consists of a type ORG 12 or ORG 22 measuring sensor and type ORT 6 measuring transducer that acts as an operating and display unit. The correct measuring sensor is selected depending on the fluid used. The oil and turbidity detector is used to detect impurities in transparent liquids. The equipment is mainly employed in industry and the food sector, in which high levels of reliability and ease of maintenance are essential.
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