Greisinger GIR360 Universal Counter and Frequency Meter
رقم المنتج: GIR360
Artikelnummer: 607953
المصنع: Greisinger
Confirmed Rating:
☆☆ (2.8)
Rating Count: 3431
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Datasheets for Greisinger GIR360 Universal Counter and Frequency Meter
Description for Greisinger GIR360 Universal Counter and Frequency Meter
GIR 360-G24 Art. no. 607954Specifications:Inputs:Input 1: frequency, rotational speed, counter input A Input voltage: 0 ... 5 V (0 ... 28 V with dropping resistor) Input level: Low 2.2 V NPN: pullup resistor 7 kohms to 3.3 V PNP: pulldown resistor 7 kohms against GND Min. Pulse width: 50 usInput 2: count input B, Gate, direction Input voltage: 0 ... 5 V (0 ... 28 V with dropping resistor) Input level: Low 2.2 V NPN: pullup resistor 7 kohms to 3.3 V PNP: pulldown resistor 7 kohms against GND Min. Pulse width: 50 usInput 3: reset input Input level: Low 8 V min. Pulse width: 50 msMeasuring / counting areas: Frequency: 0 ... 10 kHz Speed: max. 10000 rpm, switchable prescaler: 1 ... 1000 counter: -2.147.483.647? 2.147.483.646Supply voltage: 22 ... 27 V DC, electrically isolatedScope of supply: device, manual
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