Wandfluh Ah32060B Seat Valve

Wandfluh Ah32060B Seat Valve. Wandfluh, Ah32060B, Wandfluh Ah32060B, Seat, Wandfluh Seat, Ah32060B Seat, Wandfluh Ah32060B Seat, Valve
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رقم المنتج Ah32060B
المصنع Wandfluh

Description: Ah32060B ( Wandfluh )

Wandfluh Ah32060B Seat Valve

Product Name: Wandfluh Ah32060B Seat Valve
Product Brand: Wandfluh
Product Code: Ah32060B
Product Artikel: Wandfluh Ah32060B Seat Valve
Flange type ◆ manually operated ◆ 2/2, 3/2 and 3/4 way ◆ normally open and normally closed ◆ Qmax = 40 l / min ◆ p max = 350 bar

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