Ayvaz AELD Water Alarm Detector

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Produktnummer AELD
Hersteller Ayvaz

Description: AELD ( Ayvaz )

Ayvaz AELD Water Alarm Detector

Product Name: Ayvaz AELD Water Alarm Detector
Product Brand: Ayvaz
Product Code: AELD
Product Artikel: Ayvaz AELD Water Alarm Detector
General Features Warnings - It should be bonded to a high point from the device surface. - Probu zemine değecek şekilde yapışkan açılarak yapıştırılmalıdır. - Alkaline batteries should be used. - The battery has a standby life of 2 years. If you stay in the alarm for a long time (max. 7 hours), the batteries must be checked and replaced by the user. 

Produktvorschläge Ayvaz