Basler APR63-5 Regulator
Produktnummer: APR63-5
Hersteller: Basler
Confirmed Rating:
Rating Count: 9541
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Datasheets for Basler APR63-5 Regulator
Description for Basler APR63-5 Regulator
INTRODUCTION The Basler APR 63-5 Voltage Regulator is a CSA/UL approved unit contained in an encapsulated plastic case. The regulator controls the dc exciter field power of conventional, 50 or 60 hertz brushless generators that have a 63 Vdc field to regulate the output voltage. Regulation is provided by sensing the generator output voltage, converting it to a dc signal and comparing the signal to a reference voltage signal. An error signal is developed and used to control the dc field power in order to maintain a constant generator output.
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