Produktnummer: AM8073-wTy1
Hersteller: BECKHOFF
Confirmed Rating:
☆ (3.6)
Rating Count: 1574
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Datasheets for BECKHOFF AM8073-wTy1
Description for BECKHOFF AM8073-wTy1
AM8073 | Servomotor 72.6 Nm (standstill torque)Data for 400 V ACAM8073-wQyzStandstill torque72.6 NmRated torque38.8 NmRated speed2000 min-1Rated power6.91 kWPeak torque260 NmStandstill current27.9 APeak current97.4 ATorque constant2.34 Nm/AVoltage constant183 mV/min-1Number of poles10Rotor moment of inertia134.92 kgcm²Weight44.8 kgHolding torque brake (Mbr)70 NmPower consumption (brake) at 24 V DC (Pbr)40 WRotor moment of inertia incl. brake (J)153.62 kgcm²Weight incl. brake (m)50.6 kgOrder referenceAM80uv-wxyzuflange codevmotor lengthw = 0smooth shaftw = 1shaft with groove and feather key according to DIN 6885w = 2shaft with IP 65 sealing ring and smooth shaftw = 3shaft with IP 65 sealing ring and shaft with groove and feather keyxwinding code A…Zy = 02-cable standard, feedback resolvery = 1One Cable Technology for power and feedback: feedback transmission via motor cable, no feedback cable necessary, electronic identification plate, single-turny = 2One Cable Technology for power and feedback: feedback transmission via motor cable, no feedback cable necessary, electronic identification plate, multi-turnz = 0without holding brakez = 1with holding brakez = Aforced cooling, without holding brakez = Bforced cooling, with holding brakeAll electric quantities are RMS values.The options cannot be installed in the field.
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