Beinlich ZPDA Series External Gear Pump


Produktnummer: ZPDA Series
Hersteller: Beinlich
Confirmed Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (3.1)
Rating Count: 11686

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Datasheets for Beinlich ZPDA Series External Gear Pump

Description for Beinlich ZPDA Series External Gear Pump

ZPDA 1-1.20-EE-R-F/HK-0/STZ-SP/SB External Gear ZPDA 1-0.60-EE-R-F/HK-0/STZ-SP/SB External Gear PumpInternal clearances based on fluid viscosities are held within a few microns to insure the highest efficiency possible, even at high differential pressures up to 200 bar. Depending on the application, DLC coatings are available for the wetted parts to provide additional corrosive resistance and abrasive particle resistance as well. Direct mounting of a VSE flow meter on the rear plate is also available for closed loop control.Performance data-Displacements 0.1 up to 26.0 cc/rev-Speed 1 up to 200 rpm-Viscosity 1 up to 1,000,000 mPas-Temperature -20°C up to +150°C (standard version)-Special designs are available for deviating temperatures.-Operating pressure max. 200 bar (depending on rotation speed and viscosity)

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