Dropsa 0039999 Hydraulic inverter

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Produktnummer 0039999
Hersteller Dropsa

Description: 0039999 ( Dropsa )

Dropsa 0039999 Hydraulic inverter

Product Name: Dropsa 0039999 Hydraulic inverter
Product Brand: Dropsa
Product Code: 0039999
Product Artikel: Dropsa 0039999 Hydraulic inverter
- Max flow rate: 400 cc/min - Max  working pressure: 4351 psi (300 bar) - Outlet connection: G3/8Inch BSP - Temperature of use: 23° ÷ +122° F (from - 5 to +50 °C) - Pressure adjustment: 870 ÷ 4351 psi (60÷300 bar) - pre-calibrated 3600psi (250 bar)

Produktvorschläge Dropsa