Dropsa 0641522 SMX 0.60 dosing element

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Produktnummer 0641522 SMX 0.60 dosing element
Hersteller Dropsa

Description: 0641522 SMX 0.60 dosing element ( Dropsa )

Dropsa 0641522 SMX 0.60 dosing element

Product Name: Dropsa 0641522 SMX 0.60 dosing element
Product Brand: Dropsa
Product Code: 0641522 SMX 0.60 dosing element
Product Artikel: Dropsa 0641522 SMX 0.60 dosing element
tem 0641522 Unit Metric PCE Weight 0.304 Kg 0.67 Lb Description SMX-ELEMENT .60CC-1-2 OUTLETS To view the Dropsa or distributors warehouses, you must be registered to the e-commerce. Family Progress dispensers Features Lubricant Oil/Grease Working Pressure 400 Bar (5800 Psi) Flow rate 0,60 cc/cycle

Produktvorschläge Dropsa