Dynisco DYMT-S-1/2-PT100/4-10-32-G Melt Temperature Probe
Produktnummer: DYMT-S-1/2-PT100/4-10-32-G Melt Temperature Probe
Hersteller: Dynisco
Confirmed Rating:
Rating Count: 3393
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Datasheets for Dynisco DYMT-S-1/2-PT100/4-10-32-G Melt Temperature Probe
Description for Dynisco DYMT-S-1/2-PT100/4-10-32-G Melt Temperature Probe
· Rugged design· Designed especially for the polymer industry· 1000 bars max. pressure· Various TC and RTD· Flush or blade style· Blade can be positioned in flow direction· Various threads available· DYNISCO pressure transducer mounting hole compatible The Melt Thermocouple Series DYMT is especially designed to meet the requirements of the polymer industry. The flexible design of this series allows the use in extrusion and injection molding process. The mounting thread is compatible with the threads used for melt pressure measurement. Therefore, the DYMT series is ready for use in most extrusion systems. The blade style thermocouples feature a unique blade design which reduces friction in the melt stream, the special rotation design of the blade allows low friction installation. The Melt Thermocouple Series DYMT is also available with dual TC or RTD. Maximum mounting torque 40 Nm!
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