Elmo Rietschle V-DTA Dry Running Rotary Vane Compressor
Elmo Rietschle
Produktnummer: V-DTA
Hersteller: Elmo Rietschle
Confirmed Rating:
Rating Count: 10382
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Datasheets for Elmo Rietschle V-DTA Dry Running Rotary Vane Compressor
Description for Elmo Rietschle V-DTA Dry Running Rotary Vane Compressor
Bearings on both sides of the rotor. High efficiency. Low noise level. Sound cover allows a ducted cooling air outlet either from one side only or from both sides. Easy servicing and operation.Volume flow 58 to 88 m³/hr Volume flow 34.1 to 51.7 cfm Pressure up to 1.5 bar for continuous operation and 2.2 bar for intermittent operation
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