Elmo Rietschle V-VC Oil Lubricated Rotary Vane Pump

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Produktnummer V-VC
Hersteller Elmo Rietschle

Description: V-VC ( Elmo Rietschle )

Elmo Rietschle V-VC Oil Lubricated Rotary Vane Pump

Product Name: Elmo Rietschle V-VC Oil Lubricated Rotary Vane Pump
Product Brand: Elmo Rietschle
Product Code: V-VC
Product Artikel: Elmo Rietschle V-VC Oil Lubricated Rotary Vane Pump
Oil flooded rotary vane vacuum pump Flange motor. Bearings on both sides of the rotor. Oil/air heat exchanger are standard. Sizes 150 and bigger are equipped with fine mesh filter, vacuum non-return valve, gas ballast valve, protection cover and oil separator as standard. IV version for industrial vacuum XD version for heavy duty applications suitable for wet and humid processes. Volume flow 40 to 1,535 m³/hr Volume flow 23.5 to 902.9 cfm Ultimate vacuum 0.1 mbar (abs)

Produktvorschläge Elmo Rietschle