Fisher C471 and C477 Jet Bleed Internal Valves
Produktnummer: C471 and C477
Hersteller: Fisher
Confirmed Rating:
Rating Count: 12468
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Datasheets for Fisher C471 and C477 Jet Bleed Internal Valves
Description for Fisher C471 and C477 Jet Bleed Internal Valves
FeaturesPatented rapid equalization bleed areaUnique Serviceability FeaturesExcess Flow ClosureBack Check FeatureSpring loaded polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) stub shaft packingPTFE wear pads Rulon® Bushings at critical wear pointsManual, Cable, or Air Open/Close valve actuatorsThermal Fusible links or plugs melt at 212 to 220°F / 100 to 104°C and allow valve closure in the event of a fire at the valveThe valves are typically used on the inlets and outlets of bobtail and transport trucks and on large stationary storage tanks.They can also be installed in-line. Designed for propane, butane, or NH3 at ambient temperatures, the valves can be used on other compressed gases, but the user should check with the factory to make sure the valves are suitable for the particular service.
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