Fortress Interlocks DM-A Spring Loaded Handle Actuator
Fortress Interlocks
Produktnummer: DM-A
Hersteller: Fortress Interlocks
Confirmed Rating:
Rating Count: 5755
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Datasheets for Fortress Interlocks DM-A Spring Loaded Handle Actuator
Description for Fortress Interlocks DM-A Spring Loaded Handle Actuator
For use with all DM type locksSuitable for use where secondary action is requiredOvercomes misalignmentVertical adjustment: +/- 6mmRotational adjustment of bracket, to suit all four DM handling optionsSpring hold actuator in place when the door is openNAMEDM-A SPRING LOADED HANDLE ACTUATORPART NO.DM-ARANGEMechanical Trapped Key Interlocks
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