Foxboro SRD991-BHNS7EA4NY-V06 Positioner

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Produkte die mit A beginnen:
Produktnummer SRD991-BHNS7EA4NY-V06
Hersteller Foxboro

Description: SRD991-BHNS7EA4NY-V06 ( Foxboro )

Foxboro SRD991-BHNS7EA4NY-V06 Positioner

Product Name: Foxboro SRD991-BHNS7EA4NY-V06 Positioner
Product Brand: Foxboro
Product Code: SRD991-BHNS7EA4NY-V06
Product Artikel: Foxboro SRD991-BHNS7EA4NY-V06 Positioner
lntelligcnt Positioncr (lntrinsically Safe) Base Model: SRD99I -BHNS7EA4NY-V06 FUNCTION: lntelligent Positioııer SRD99 I ccnified Ex ia/ lntriıısically Safe or not wiıh advaııced diagııosıics ıo operaıe SRD99 I pneumatic valve acıuaıors. lııpuı Sigııal 4-20 mA /HART / PROFIBUS-PA / FOUNDATION Fieldbus HI accordiııg ıo FISCO B VERSION: Siııglc Acıiııg H INPUT/COMMUNICATION: HART Commuııicatioıı (4-20 ınA) N ADDITIONAL INPUTS/OUTPUTS: Prepared for Addiıioııal iıı-/ouıpuıs S BUILT-IN LiMiT SWITCH: Witlıout 7 CABLE ENTRY: M20 x 1.5 witlı oııe plasıic Cable Glaııd EA4 ELECTRICAL CERTIFICA TION: n 2 G Ex iane T4 Gb according to A TEX / IECEx N ATTACHMENT KIT: Order as auxiliary y MANIFOLD: Pııeumaıic connecıioıı l /4 - 18 NPT ıııade of an additioııal ıııanifold V06 OPTIONAL MODEL SUFFIX(ES) INCLUDED: LCD w/Meııu-Language in English / Gerıııaıı / lıaliaıı

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