Gefa TYPE RS Coarsefiltration


Produktnummer: TYPE RS Coarsefiltration
Hersteller: Gefa
Confirmed Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ ()
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Datasheets for Gefa TYPE RS Coarsefiltration

Description for Gefa TYPE RS Coarsefiltration

Lackeby Products manufactures, markets and sells Roto-Sieve® drum screens, which separate solid particles and fibres from liquids by screening. The drum screens are based on proven technology with a self-cleaning function that delivers very good results and minimises maintenance. With high operational reliability, a long service life and low energy consumption, Roto-Sieve® drum screens are a proven good investment.Due to its internal feed and circular perforations, Roto-Sieve® offers the best separation that can be achieved mechanically. It has been shown in practice that a fibre or hair has a very small chance of orienting itself at a right angle and against the water current, so that it can pass through a round hole. TECHNICAL FEATURESLow energy consumptionHigh degree of seperationHigh operational reliabilityGood utility in many applications PROCESS BENEFITSEnhances processes, for instance in treatment worksReduces need for cleaningMakes servicing easierReduces running costs of subsequent stages

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