Goulds ESH Centrifugal Pump

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Produktnummer ESH
Hersteller Goulds

Description: ESH ( Goulds )

Goulds ESH Centrifugal Pump

Product Name: Goulds ESH Centrifugal Pump
Product Brand: Goulds
Product Code: ESH
Product Artikel: Goulds ESH Centrifugal Pump
PRODUCT FEATURES AISI 316 stainless steel construction for reduced corrosion and improved strength and ductility  Back pull-out design allows easy access to impeller, bracket and motor to simplify maintenance  Interchangeable John Crane Type 21 mechanical seals increase long-term effectiveness  Replaceable wear rings to maximize wear life  NEMA premium efficient motors  Liquid temperatures up to 250°F  NSF/ANSI 61 Drinking Water System Components Standard (pumps assembled in factory)