Greisinger GMH3692 Air Oxygen Measuring Device

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Produkte die mit A beginnen:
Produktnummer GMH3692
Hersteller Greisinger
Artikelnummer 605919

Description: GMH3692 ( Greisinger )

Greisinger GMH3692 Air Oxygen Measuring Device

Product Name: Greisinger GMH3692 Air Oxygen Measuring Device
Product Brand: Greisinger
Product Code: GMH3692
Product Artikel: 605919
Air oxygen measuring device without sensor HIGHLIGHTS: Alarm detector with integrated horn automatic compensation of ambient air via integrated barometer APPLICATION: Bio chemistry: Oxygen monitoring in breeding chambers for cell cultures.  Monitoring of fermenting process of fruits in fermentation plants etc. Medicine: Monitoring of oxygen concentration in respirators;  checking of breathing, monitoring of oxygen concentration in incubators, oxygen tents etc. Food technology: Monitoring of residual oxygen in packages (eg coffee, tea, etc.).  Monitoring of oxygen content during production processes. Air conditioning and ventilation technology: Oxygen measurements, air quality monitoring, measuring of oxygen concentration in enclosed air conditioning systems, etc. Sport: Checking of oxygen content in compressed air bottles (diving, etc.). Note: not suited for Inchunder waterInch applications (rebreather, etc.) SPECIFICATIONS: Measuring ranges Oxygen concentration:  0.0 ... 100.0% O  2   (gaseous) 0 ... 1100 hPa O  2 Temperature:  -5.0 ... +50.0 ° C Air pressure:  10 ... 1200 hPa Accuracy: (device) ( at nominal temperature = 25 ° C) Oxygen concentration:   ± 0.1% ± 1 digit Temperature:  ± 0.1 ° C ± 1 digit Air pressure:  ± 3 hPa or 0.1% vmw (whichever is higher) Scope of supply:  Device, battery, calibration protocol, manual

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