Greisinger GMH3692 Air Oxygen Measuring Device
Produktnummer: GMH3692
Artikelnummer: 605919
Hersteller: Greisinger
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Rating Count: 6770
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Datasheets for Greisinger GMH3692 Air Oxygen Measuring Device
Description for Greisinger GMH3692 Air Oxygen Measuring Device
Air oxygen measuring device without sensorHIGHLIGHTS:Alarm detector with integrated hornautomatic compensation of ambient air via integrated barometerAPPLICATION:Bio chemistry:Oxygen monitoring in breeding chambers for cell cultures. Monitoring of fermenting process of fruits in fermentation plants etc.Medicine:Monitoring of oxygen concentration in respirators; checking of breathing, monitoring of oxygen concentration in incubators, oxygen tents etc.Food technology:Monitoring of residual oxygen in packages (eg coffee, tea, etc.). Monitoring of oxygen content during production processes.Air conditioning and ventilation technology:Oxygen measurements, air quality monitoring, measuring of oxygen concentration in enclosed air conditioning systems, etc.Sport:Checking of oxygen content in compressed air bottles (diving, etc.).Note:not suited for Inchunder waterInch applications (rebreather, etc.)SPECIFICATIONS:Measuring rangesOxygen concentration: 0.0 ... 100.0% O 2 (gaseous)0 ... 1100 hPa O 2Temperature: -5.0 ... +50.0 ° CAir pressure: 10 ... 1200 hPaAccuracy: (device) ( at nominal temperature = 25 ° C)Oxygen concentration: ± 0.1% ± 1 digitTemperature: ± 0.1 ° C ± 1 digitAir pressure: ± 3 hPa or 0.1% vmw (whichever is higher)Scope of supply: Device, battery, calibration protocol, manual
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