Grünewald SIMPL-Ex Series Pressure Measuring

Grünewald SIMPL-Ex Series Pressure Measuring


Produktnummer: SIMPL-Ex Series Pressure Measuring
Hersteller: Grünewald
Confirmed Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ ()
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Datasheets for Grünewald SIMPL-Ex Series Pressure Measuring

Description for Grünewald SIMPL-Ex Series Pressure Measuring

The SIMPL-Ex® pressure measuring instruments are made for use at shield supports. Based on the simple construction with high robustness it is available with individual customers equipment at a very low price level. An individual mass product build to the highest standards. Through the usage of a state of the art technology in the field of electronics, which is based on the proven electronics of the measuring instrument series SMALL-Ex®, a processor is used for evaluating the signals instead of conventional potentiometers. The calibration occurs by a specially developed software. Due to this fact a high measuring accuracy and repeatability can be achieved. The usage of the measuring instruments at different temperatures do not affect the measuring values. Increase the interaction of experience, electronics and construction as well as the use of high quality components and materials, the operational reliability are significant and thus ideally suited for use in very rough and tough environments such as water or hydraulic systems.Marking:Certificates:Env. Temperature:Housing Material: Gauge Accuracy: MediumIlluminated Display: Display: Output Signal:Nominal Voltage:  I M1 Ex ia I MaEx ia I MaIBExU 13 ATEX 1110XIECEx IBE 13.0039-50 to +100 °C Stainless Steel +/- 2% from end value liquid and gassy medianot possible - 0/4 - 20mA * - **V (max. 10 V DC, at min. 7,5V power supply)12V DC (7,5 – 14,0 V DC) 3-wiring technology16V DC (9,6 – 16,1 V DC) 3-wiring technology

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