KWD TK-N-AD 630 - 65 H7 - 70 H7 x 140 - KWN 29000 Coupling
Produktnummer: TK-N-AD 630 - 65 H7 - 70 H7 x 140 - KWN 29000 Coupling
Hersteller: KWD
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Datasheets for KWD TK-N-AD 630 - 65 H7 - 70 H7 x 140 - KWN 29000 Coupling
Description for KWD TK-N-AD 630 - 65 H7 - 70 H7 x 140 - KWN 29000 Coupling
hydrodynamic couplings are distinguished by:• power transmission free of wear• steady shock free start up in loaded or unloaded state• slight backlash on the electrical power supply due to fastabating of the start up current and low start up current• load compensation on multi motor drives• efficient discoupling of vibration systems• damping of shocks, vibration and load changes• protection against thermical overload by the installed fusibleplug or by a mechanical or electronical switch off device
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