Lamtec CO/O2 Control Combustion Optimisation


Produktnummer: CO/O2 Control
Hersteller: Lamtec
Confirmed Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (3.5)
Rating Count: 3684

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Datasheets for Lamtec CO/O2 Control Combustion Optimisation

Description for Lamtec CO/O2 Control Combustion Optimisation

The failsafe CO/O2 control is based on the usage of either:Two probes for measuring O2 (LS1 or LS2) and to detect COe (KS1), orA twin probe for the simultaneous measurement/detection of O2/COe (KS1D), Combined with the corresponding sensor electronics. The sensor electronic Lambda-Transmitter (LT) is connected to LAMTEC burner- and fuel/air ratio control with integrated CO/O2 control via Lamtec System Bus (LSB). The technical data of the O2/CO control is dependent on the system used:Sensor electronic with sensorBurner management system with integrated CO/O2 controlSILReference or Link - Please log in to view the documents -  LT1 with LS1 & LT2 with KS1BurnerTronic, ETAMATIC, FMS, VMS-Integrated CO/O2 Control for VMS, FMS, ETAMATIC / ETAMATIC OEM and LT3-F - Commissioning SupplementLT2 with LS2 & LT2 with KS1BurnerTronic, ETAMATIC, FMS, VMS-Integrated CO/O2 Control for VMS, FMS, ETAMATIC / ETAMATIC OEM and LT3-F - Commissioning SupplementLT3-F with KS1DBurnerTronic, ETAMATIC, FMS, VMSSIL2Integrated CO/O2 control for BT300 and LT3-F - Commissioning supplement Integrated CO/O2 Control for VMS, FMS, ETAMATIC / ETAMATIC OEM and LT3-F - Commissioning Supplement   CO/O2 control / LT3-F - System overview   LAMTEC Innovation - Sensor System Lambda Transmitter LT3-F Combination Probe KS1D 

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