Mls Lanny Flow control valve DPNB07NL75X (PROFINET)

Mls Lanny Flow control valve DPNB07NL75X (PROFINET)

Mls Lanny

Produktnummer: Flow control valve DPNB07NL75X (PROFINET)
Hersteller: Mls Lanny
Confirmed Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆ (4.4)
Rating Count: 4797

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Datasheets for Mls Lanny Flow control valve DPNB07NL75X (PROFINET)

Description for Mls Lanny Flow control valve DPNB07NL75X (PROFINET)

Flow control valve for the gases carbon dioxide, argon, nitrogen, forming gas, airControl of the standard flow volume from 0 to 75 Nl/minOutput pressure range from 43.5 to 130.5 psi (3 to 9 bar)Connections: G1/8Made of aluminium, brass, stainless steelDigital versionService interface RS 232Supervision of the input pressureFieldbus control: PROFINET

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