Mts Sensor EP-0-0500M-D34-1-V03 Position Sensor

Mts Sensor EP-0-0500M-D34-1-V03 Position Sensor

Mts Sensor

Produktnummer: EP-0-0500M-D34-1-V03
Hersteller: Mts Sensor
Confirmed Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (3.1)
Rating Count: 14100

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Datasheets for Mts Sensor EP-0-0500M-D34-1-V03 Position Sensor

Description for Mts Sensor EP-0-0500M-D34-1-V03 Position Sensor

Drawings are for reference only, contact applications engineering for tolerance specific information.A robust aluminum extrusion forms the sensor housing containing the sensing element and electronics. The position magnet moves alongthe top of the profile extrusion housing.MODEL EPFigure 4.M12 connector29 mm(1.1 in.)19 mm(0.75 in.)13 mm (0.5 in.)40 mm(1.6 in.)14.6 mm (0.57 in.)Mounting clamp49 mm(1.9 in.)50 mm (1.97 in.)68 mm (2.68 in.)Mountingclamp5-pin (M12) or8-pin (M12)Stroke length(See ‘Ordering Information’ for stroke length details)84 mm(3.3 in.)Dead zoneBeginning of stroke - Null positionBall-jointed arm (M5 thread, vertical 18˚ / horizontal 360˚)Captive-sliding magnet, Style S part no.: 252182E-Series model EP sensor dimension reference (Shown with Style S captive-sliding magnet) 

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