NORD GVE20L P/N 19141000
Produktnummer: GVE20L P/N 19141000
Hersteller: NORD
Confirmed Rating:
☆☆ (2.9)
Rating Count: 7817
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Datasheets for NORD GVE20L P/N 19141000
Description for NORD GVE20L P/N 19141000
The PMG 500 rectifier provides an initial “push” the form of a timed full-wave brake-release function, which is then followed by a continuous half-wave brake-holding function. • In order to prevent rapid wear, the PMG 500 rectifier is required when utilizing the larger 800 Nm (590 lb-ft) - and 1200 Nm (885 lb-ft) twin-rotor brakes. • The PMG 500 rectifier is wired to “overexcite” the brake during its initial release. The DC voltage of the brake coil is determined based upon using a half-wave rectifier. In some applications the PMG rectifier may be used for “Reduced Power Holding” or very fast brake engagement (See user manual U35100 for details)
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