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Produkte die mit A beginnen:
Produktnummer SK300E111340B
Hersteller NORD

Description: SK300E111340B ( NORD )


Product Name: NORD SK300E111340B DRIVE
Product Brand: NORD
Product Code: SK300E111340B
Product Artikel: NORD SK300E111340B DRIVE
Separate connection unit with generous connection room for mains and control lines due to two-part enclosure concept Upper enclosure unit with inverter electronics designed as plug-in cover Heat dissipation via the enclosure without additional cooling measures Electronic rating plate in the motor: Simple startup with previously stored motor data in the motor and inverter Automatic storage of all settings in electronic rating plate Replacement without renewed parameterisation Integrated brake chopper and activation for electromagnetic brake Integrated mains filter for maintenance of limit curve B Optional potentiometer and three stage switch to select “off“ or “left“ or “right“ rotation, with robust design for manual operation directly at the inverter Online switching between 2 parameter sets is possible Simple parameterisation with PC software or ParameterBox

Produktvorschläge NORD