NORD SK9086.1R-280SP/4 TF
Produktnummer: SK9086.1R-280SP/4 TF
Hersteller: NORD
Confirmed Rating:
☆ (3.2)
Rating Count: 13544
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Datasheets for NORD SK9086.1R-280SP/4 TF
Description for NORD SK9086.1R-280SP/4 TF
Energy efficient right angle solutionHigh quality and wear free helical and bevel gearingRobust UNICASE cast iron housingHigh quality helical gearing up to AGMA Class 13High performance inverter/vector duty motors and brakemotorsModular design for optimal application solutionsProtective features for severe duty and washdown environmentsOil-safe QUADRALIP seal systemAUTOVENT breather regulates internal pressure and keeps contaminants outStainless steel (316) protective paint coating – USDA/HI compliant
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