Pressure Tech ACS310 Analyser & Instrumentation Regulator

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Produktnummer ACS310
Hersteller Pressure Tech

Description: ACS310 ( Pressure Tech )

Pressure Tech ACS310 Analyser & Instrumentation Regulator

Product Name: Pressure Tech ACS310 Analyser & Instrumentation Regulator
Product Brand: Pressure Tech
Product Code: ACS310
Product Artikel: Pressure Tech ACS310 Analyser & Instrumentation Regulator
NTRODUCING THE ACS310... The ACS310 auto-changeover system provides a continual supply of gas, ideal for applications such as in medical or laboratory processes where a continual supply of gas is essential. Upon depletion of one bank, the other automatically cuts in. A quick switch of the lever ensures the supply is reset to its original value. An optional second stage regulator prevents fluctuations in supply pressure. The ACS310 incorporates the LF310 regulator with a solid disk type main valve assembly - further details may be found on the LF310 datasheet. PLEASE CONTACT THE PRESSURE TECH OFFICE IF YOUR ORDER REQUIRES ANY SPECIAL MODIFICATIONS OR REQUIREMENTS. APPLICATIONS: • Medical or laboratory processes FEATURES: • User-friendly design with easy to read pressure indication, even whilst in-service • Optional second-stage regulator • 40 micron filter • Stand-alone or wall-mountable Max. Rated Inlet Pressure Outlet Ranges Design Proof Pressure Seat Leakage Weight 300 bar (4,350 psi) Up to 20 bar (290 psi) 150% max. working pressure In accordance with ANSI/FCI 70-3 7.2kg (15.8lbs)

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