Pressure Tech XHR310 Analyser & Instrumentation Regulator

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Produktnummer XHR310
Hersteller Pressure Tech

Description: XHR310 ( Pressure Tech )

Pressure Tech XHR310 Analyser & Instrumentation Regulator

Product Name: Pressure Tech XHR310 Analyser & Instrumentation Regulator
Product Brand: Pressure Tech
Product Code: XHR310
Product Artikel: Pressure Tech XHR310 Analyser & Instrumentation Regulator
INTRODUCING THE XHR310... The XHR310 is a diaphragm-sensed, dual-heated pressure regulator, designed to maintain sample liquids and gases in their vapour state. Certified to ATEX directive 2014/34/EU, its two 100W heater cartridges, are inserted in spiral machined sheaths, which agitate the media to help with the heat transfer and analysis process. Alternatively, the steam-heated option see its heater cartridges replaced with steam tubes - contact the office for further details. The propriety PCB is easy to wire and incorporates a potentiometer to adjust the heater temperature setting, and independent channel isolation switches which can be used to allow effective liquid sampling. In addition, its electrical enclosure meets the requirements of IP66 and NEMA 4 specifications. PLEASE CONTACT THE PRESSURE TECH OFFICE IF YOUR ORDER REQUIRES ANY SPECIAL MODIFICATIONS OR REQUIREMENTS. APPLICATIONS: • Natural gas sample systems • Oxygen sample systems • Moisture sample systems FEATURES: • 2 x 100W heater cartridges • ATEX / IECEX certified • Inconel® X750 diaphragm • Optional entry points for cable supply Max. Rated Inlet Pressure Outlet Ranges Design Proof Pressure Seat Leakage Weight ATEX Marking 414 bar (6,000 psi) Up to 35 bar (500 psi) 150% max. working pressure In accordance with ANSI/FCI 70-3 4.6kg (10.1lbs) Ex II 2 G T3 Ex db IIC T3 Ta = -40°C to +60°C

Produktvorschläge Pressure Tech