Rotork ILG-S Sandwich manual override quarter-turn gearbox

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Produktnummer ILG-S
Hersteller Rotork

Description: ILG-S ( Rotork )

Rotork ILG-S Sandwich manual override quarter-turn gearbox

Product Name: Rotork ILG-S Sandwich manual override quarter-turn gearbox
Product Brand: Rotork
Product Code: ILG-S
Product Artikel: Rotork ILG-S Sandwich manual override quarter-turn gearbox
Complete range of sandwich manual override quarter-turn gearboxes for spring-return pneumatic actuators. Torque range up to 32,000 Nm (23,600 lbf.ft) 10 sizes Ratios from 34:1 to 729:1 Protected input shaft Cast iron housing Axial needle bearing IP65 Optional high and low temperature Optional ISO drive coupling

Produktvorschläge Rotork