SICK 6028626 type: MRA-F130-105D2 Wire draw mechanism
Produktnummer: MRA-F130-105D2
Hersteller: SICK
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Rating Count: 1628
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Datasheets for SICK 6028626 type: MRA-F130-105D2 Wire draw mechanism
Description for SICK 6028626 type: MRA-F130-105D2 Wire draw mechanism
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSAccessory groupWire draw mechanismDescriptionHighLine wire draw mechanism for servo flange with 6 mm shaft, measuring range 0 m ... 5 mItems suppliedWithout encoderMeasurement range0 m ... 5 mReproducibility≤ 1 mmLinearity≤ ± 2 mmHysteresis≤ 2 mmWeight2.8 kg (Wire draw mechanism)Weight (measuring wire)7.1 g/mMeasuring wire materialHighly flexible stranded steel 1,4401 stainless steel V4AMaterial, spring housingPlasticHousing material, wire draw mechanismAluminum (anodised), plasticLength of wire pulled out per revolution334.1 mmActual wire draw length5.2 mSpring return force15 N ... 20 N 1)Measuring wire diameter1.35 mmWire acceleration70 m/s²Operating speed8 m/sResolutionTo calculate the resolution of the system please use following formula:length of wire draw per revolution / steps per revolution = resolution of the combination of wire draw + encoderAmbient operating temperature–30 °C ... +70 °CEnclosure rating mechanicIP64Life of wire draw mechanismTyp. 1,000,000 cycles 2) 3)1) These values were measred at an ambient temperature of 25 °C. There may be variations at other temperatures.2) Average values, which depend on the application.3) The service life depends on the type of load. This is influenced by environmental conditions, the installation location, the measuring range in use, the traversing speed, and acceleration.CLASSIFICATIONSECl@ss 5.027270591ECl@ss 5.1.427270591ECl@ss 6.027279103ECl@ss 6.227279103ECl@ss 7.027279103ECl@ss 8.027279103ECl@ss 8.127279103ECl@ss 9.027270591ECl@ss 10.027270591ECl@ss 11.027270591ETIM 5.0EC002026ETIM 6.0EC002026ETIM 7.0EC002026UNSPSC 16.090139122221
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