Stauff Rf045...B/B/M2/G/L1 Filter Housing

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Produktnummer Rf045...B/B/M2/G/L1 Filter Housing
Hersteller Stauff

Description: Rf045...B/B/M2/G/L1 Filter Housing ( Stauff )

Stauff Rf045...B/B/M2/G/L1 Filter Housing

Product Name: Stauff Rf045...B/B/M2/G/L1 Filter Housing
Product Brand: Stauff
Product Code: Rf045...B/B/M2/G/L1 Filter Housing
Product Artikel: Stauff Rf045...B/B/M2/G/L1 Filter Housing
STAUFF RF 014-130 return line filters are designed as tank top filters. They are mounted directly on the tank top and if 100% of the system oil is filtered, they provide the optimum removal of contaminant from the system. This provides the pump with clean oil thus reducing contaminant generated wear. The filter bowl or funnel is designed to return the oil beneath the surface thus preventing the entraiment of air by the returning oil.

Produktvorschläge Stauff