Var-Spe Type 16B 9.2-11 kW Speed Variator Heavy Series
Produktnummer: Type 16B 9.2-11 kW
Hersteller: Var-Spe
Confirmed Rating:
Rating Count: 5218
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Datasheets for Var-Spe Type 16B 9.2-11 kW Speed Variator Heavy Series
Description for Var-Spe Type 16B 9.2-11 kW Speed Variator Heavy Series
16B 160B5Advantages Designed for heavy-duty applications Perfect for harsh environments Two-way output rotation (clockwise and counter-clockwise) Wide speed range: 0-1500 rpm High breakaway torques Built-in torque limiter Rapid reversing of output rotation with appropriate adjustment systems Variety of manual or remote adjustment systems Characteristics Power: 9.2 – 11 kW Available as Atex version Input side: available with hollow shaft and flange or with cylindrical shaft Flanges available: 160B5 (input), 132B5 (output)
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