Produktnummer: OR8EFG
Hersteller: YOKOGAWA
Confirmed Rating:
Rating Count: 14289
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Datasheets for YOKOGAWA OR8EFG pH-ORP Sensors
Description for YOKOGAWA OR8EFG pH-ORP Sensors
Yokogawa's pH and ORP analyzers are highly reliable. They feature advanced functions and are useful for a wide variety of applications including water quality management in a broad range of production processes and in medium-sized wastewater treatment plants, or as general pH and ORP control systems.Based on Yokogawa's track record and years of experience, a comprehensive range of products has been produced to provide solutions best suited to individual applications.In addition to the PH8EFP, PH8ERP, OR8EFG and OR8ERG standard Ryton pH and ORP sensors, specialty pH and ORP sensors are available for various applications.Although pH / ORP sensor was used as an analog detector in the past, it became possible to use it as a digital detector (with Variopin connector) by installing the SENCOM Smart Adapter SA11. pH / ORP sensor is a pH detector that compatible to on-site use and various combinations.
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