Gestra KS92-1 266154402 Universal Controller
Número de producto: KS92-1 266154402 Universal Controller
Productor: Gestra
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Rating Count: 11267
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Datasheets for Gestra KS92-1 266154402 Universal Controller
Description for Gestra KS92-1 266154402 Universal Controller
Description The universal controller is suitable for single closed-loop control systems and for automating industrial processes. The equipment is highly flexible and an economical and efficient solution for many industrial applications. The controller is self tuning during start-up and to the setpoint. An optional serial interface RS 422/485 is also available. The configuration and parameterization data are stored in an EEPROM. The user-friendly three-line alphanumeric “day & night” display enables convenient menu-driven operation on site of the controller by entering the configuration and parameter settings in accordance with the existing operating conditions and requirements. Function Continuous controller PID controller Proportional band Xp : 1 to 9999 Integral time Ti [s]: 0.1 to 9999 s Derivative time Td [s]: 0.1 to 9999 s Switching controller 2 position (on-off) or 3 position stepping controller The universal controller KS 92-1 is self optimizing, which means that the equipment itself tunes the optimum control parameters to the setpoint.
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