Gestra NRG211-1


Número de producto: NRG211-1
Productor: Gestra
Confirmed Rating: ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆ (2.6)
Rating Count: 7902

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Datasheets for Gestra NRG211-1

Description for Gestra NRG211-1

Description The level electrode NRG 211-1 is designed for measuring the water level in condensate lines. In conjunction with level switch NRS 2-4 the electrode can be used as max. limit switch with high level alarm. Function The level electrode together with the electronic module NRV 2-30 works according to the capacitance measurement principle, translating the level changes into level-dependent current signals. The electrode is self-monitoring, i. e. a fault in the insulating seal will cause a malfunction alarm. In addition, a defined switching signal is given when the fluid reaches 395 °C because for physical reasons the level cannot be determined exactly in this temperature range. The level electrode works with the level switch NRS 2-4 to detect the max. limit and raise a high level alarm. This equipment combination can be used as part of a controlled draining system in power plants. The electrode with welding standpipe is installed in vertical pipes.

Latest Comments for Gestra NRG211-1

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