Accédez aux informations sur le stock, la livraison et les prix du produit BECKHOFF CX2100-0004 avec marque BECKHOFF. BECKHOFF, CX2100-0004, BECKHOFF CX2100-0004
Product Name: BECKHOFF CX2100-0004 Product Brand: BECKHOFF Product Code: CX2100-0004 Product Artikel: BECKHOFF CX2100-0004
The CX2100 power supply and UPS modules are used for supplying power to the components (CPU modules, system and extension modules) of a
CX20xx system. The power supply modules are controlled via TwinCAT. An FSTN LC display with 2 x 16 characters and a selector switch as well as an
enter key allow the querying of internal status values as well as self-created display parameters or menus with and without input options.
EtherCAT or Bus Terminals can be connected on the right-hand side – the respective bus system is detected automatically and operated by the CPU.
Power is supplied to the E-bus or K-bus electronics in the I/O terminals by an integrated, but internally separate power supply unit with 2 A at 5 V DC.
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