Accédez aux informations sur le stock, la livraison et les prix du produit BECKHOFF EPP2028-0001 avec marque BECKHOFF. BECKHOFF, EPP2028-0001, BECKHOFF EPP2028-0001
Product Name: BECKHOFF EPP2028-0001 Product Brand: BECKHOFF Product Code: EPP2028-0001 Product Artikel: BECKHOFF EPP2028-0001
The EPP2028 EtherCAT P Box with digital outputs connects binary control signals from the controller on to the actuators at the process level. The eight
outputs handle load currents of up to 2 A each, although the total current is limited to 3 A. This makes these modules particularly suitable for
applications in which not all of the outputs are active at the same time, or in which not all of the actuators draw 2 A signal current.
The signal state is indicated by means of light emitting diodes. The signals are optionally connected via M8 (EPP2028-0001) or M12 (EPP2028-0002)
screw type connectors. The outputs are short-circuit proof and protected against inverse connection.
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