Fisher ET Control Valve

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Description: ET ( Fisher )

Fisher ET Control Valve

Product Name: Fisher ET Control Valve
Product Brand: Fisher
Product Code: ET
Product Artikel: Fisher ET Control Valve
Fisher™ ET, EAT, and ETR Sliding-Stem Control Valves The Fisher easy-e ET valve is your solution for all general applications with high process temperatures, featuring a balanced plug design and cage-guided trim. Available in globe or angle body, these valves can provide up to Class V or VI shutoff. Features ENVIRO-SEAL™ packing systems that provide an improved stem seal to help prevent the loss of process fluid are available. These packing systems feature PTFE or Graphite ULF packing with live-loading for reduced packing maintenance. Controlled compression of standard seat construction protects PTFE disk between metal disk seat and disk retainer. Excellent shutoff is maintained by a backup ring or spring-loading that forces the valve plug seal ring against the cage. Rugged cage guiding provides high valve plug stability, which reduces vibration and mechanical noise. Increased wear resistance of hardened stainless steel trim means longer-lasting service. Valves are available with dimensions specified by EN/DIN standards. Unless otherwise noted, references are to NACE MR0175-2002. Optional materials are available to meet NACE MR0103 and NACE MR0175 / ISO 15156.

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