Fisher TBX-T Desuperheater

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Numéro de produit TBX-T
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Description: TBX-T ( Fisher )

Fisher TBX-T Desuperheater

Product Name: Fisher TBX-T Desuperheater
Product Brand: Fisher
Product Code: TBX-T
Product Artikel: Fisher TBX-T Desuperheater
Fisher™ TBX-T Desuperheater The Fisher TBX-T desuperheater can be used in many applications to efficiently reduce the temperature of superheated steam to the desired set point. The TBX-T is available for installation in steam lines from DN 200 through DN 1200 (NPS 8 through 48) in diameter and are capable of maintaining steam temperatures to within 6°C (10°F) of saturation temperatures. Water atomization and vaporization are key elements in any steam conditioning application. The TBX-T design incorporates a spraywater manifold of variable geometry AF nozzles that produce an optimized spray pattern over a wide operating range. These nozzles are strategically placed to achieve optimal mixing and quick vaporization at all flowing conditions. Specifications Certifications PED, CRN Critical Service Steam Conditioning Material SA105, F22, F91 Operating Temperature High Temperature Pressure Class ASME Process Connection Type Flanged, Butt Weld, RTJ, Socket Weld Valve Size NPS 8 through 48 Valve Size Standard NPS Other Configurations Contact your local Emerson business partner or sales office to learn about additional specifications or options for this product.

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