Stauff 538-PP-SIG-AF-M-W3 1110002392 Clamp Combination
Numéro de produit: 538-PP-SIG-AF-M-W3 1110002392 Clamp Combination
Fabricant: Stauff
Confirmed Rating:
Rating Count: 3163
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Datasheets for Stauff 538-PP-SIG-AF-M-W3 1110002392 Clamp Combination
Description for Stauff 538-PP-SIG-AF-M-W3 1110002392 Clamp Combination
▪ Clamp bodies with profiled inside surface and tension clearance▪ To be used as fixed point clamp preventing the line from sliding▪ Clearance between the clamp halves provides tension of the tube or pipe▪ Vibration/noise reducing and impact absorbing effect towards the direction of the line provided by the grooves on the inside
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