Armatury C61.1 113 TYP 085 A Multi expansion check valve
Il codice del prodotto: C61.1 113 TYP 085 A Multi expansion check valve
Produttori: Armatury
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Datasheets for Armatury C61.1 113 TYP 085 A Multi expansion check valve
Description for Armatury C61.1 113 TYP 085 A Multi expansion check valve
Application: control valve for non-aggressive gases; for the pressure control of the furnace gas at the blast furnace throat Max. working pressure: 0,2 MPa Max. working temperature: +175 °C Operation: lever actuator or multi-turn actuator with gearbox Note: the surface of the valve that comes into contact with the working substance is protected by an anti-abrasive coating
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