BECKHOFF KL3022 Analog Input Terminal
Il codice del prodotto: KL3022
Produttori: BECKHOFF
Confirmed Rating:
☆☆ (2.7)
Rating Count: 7088
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Datasheets for BECKHOFF KL3022 Analog Input Terminal
Description for BECKHOFF KL3022 Analog Input Terminal
The KL3022 analog input terminal handles signals in the range from 4 to 20 mA. The current is digitised to a resolution of 12 bits and is transmitted, in an electrically isolated form, to the higher-level automation device. The input channels of the Bus Terminal have differential inputs and possess a common, internal ground potential. An open lead or overload condition are detected, and the terminal status is relayed to the controller via the K-bus. The run LEDs give an indication of the data exchange with the Bus Coupler. The error LEDs indicate an overload condition and a broken wire.
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