CKD 3PB210-08G-B-3-ST Solenoid Valve
Il codice del prodotto: 3PB210-08G-B-3-ST
Produttori: CKD
Confirmed Rating:
☆ (3.6)
Rating Count: 13843
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Datasheets for CKD 3PB210-08G-B-3-ST Solenoid Valve
Description for CKD 3PB210-08G-B-3-ST Solenoid Valve
Direct acting universal pressurized 3-port valves usable with a working pressure of 0.7 MPa to low vacuum. Contributes to the construction of systems for low pressure/vacuum.[Cylinder bore size: φ16 to φ40]
Latest Comments for CKD 3PB210-08G-B-3-ST Solenoid Valve
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