Dynisco SPX4222-N-A-00-B-21 Pressure Sensors


Il codice del prodotto: SPX4222-N-A-00-B-21 Pressure Sensors
Produttori: Dynisco
Confirmed Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (3.2)
Rating Count: 14236

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Datasheets for Dynisco SPX4222-N-A-00-B-21 Pressure Sensors

Description for Dynisco SPX4222-N-A-00-B-21 Pressure Sensors

·         4-20mA loop-powered output ·         +/- 0.25% accuracy available ·         Wide selection of pressure ranges available ·         Turndown 6:1 ·         Configurations available for use in hazardous locations ·         Remotely configurable via HART ·         Precise, repeatable pressure measurements ·         Output supplied directly to DSC or PLC ·         Meets CE requirements ·         CE ATEX Intrinsically Safe Approved ·         SIL 2 Certified (pressure output) ·         PL'c' Certified (relay output) ·         Additional approvals are available   The Dynisco SPX 4-Series is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter designed for use in hazardous locations and are available with a variety of different process and electrical connections. These amplified transmitters eliminate the need for external signal conditioning. All models can interface directly with distributed control systems, PLC's, computers, and similar high level control devices. Optional thermocouple or RTD configurations are available to provide melt temperature.

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