Enerpac HC7203 Thermo-plastic High Pressure Hydraulic Hose
Il codice del prodotto: HC7203 Thermo-plastic High Pressure Hydraulic Hose
Artikelnummer: HC7203
Produttori: Enerpac
Confirmed Rating:
☆ (3.1)
Rating Count: 2793
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Datasheets for Enerpac HC7203 Thermo-plastic High Pressure Hydraulic Hose
Description for Enerpac HC7203 Thermo-plastic High Pressure Hydraulic Hose
Maximum Operating Pressure (bar)700Internal Diameter (mm)6,4End One Assembly3/8Inch NPTFEnd Two AssemblyCH604Capacity (cm3)28,95Hose Oil Capacity (cm3)When using greater hose lengths, it is sometimes necessary to fill the pump reservoir after filling the hoses. To determine the hose oil capacity, use the following for 6,4 mm inside diameter hoses: Capacity (cm3) = 32,1699 x Length (m)Length (m)0,9End One Coupler3/8Inch NPTFEnd Two CouplerCH604Weight (kg)0,8
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