Greisinger EB3000FTR Moisture/Temperature Controlling
Il codice del prodotto: EB3000FTR
Artikelnummer: 605923
Produttori: Greisinger
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Rating Count: 12590
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Datasheets for Greisinger EB3000FTR Moisture/Temperature Controlling
Description for Greisinger EB3000FTR Moisture/Temperature Controlling
Cost effective monitoring and controlling of temperature and humidity. The humidity / temperature sensor EBHT-1R will be connected with the EB 3000 via a single 2-wire twisted pair cable (eg bell wire). The maximum distance between sensor and controlling device is 500 m. The components are fully configured. The only remaining work is to connect the modules via a 2-pole twisted wire and input the switching points.APPLICATION:Refrigeration warehouse, green house, storage room, terrarium, etc.SPECIFICATIONS:Scope of supply:EB 3000:monitoring and controlling deviceEBHT-1R:humidity / temperature modulVSL2P:10 m twisted pair cableNote:For configuration of the EB 3000 and recording / reading of connected EASYBus modules, a serial converter EBW 1 and software EBS 20M are needed.
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