Greisinger G1107 -_-SET Fine Manometer Suitcase-Set
Il codice del prodotto: G1107 -_-SET
Produttori: Greisinger
Confirmed Rating:
☆ (3.7)
Rating Count: 1985
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Datasheets for Greisinger G1107 -_-SET Fine Manometer Suitcase-Set
Description for Greisinger G1107 -_-SET Fine Manometer Suitcase-Set
o extreme resolution up to 0.1 Pao measuring range ± 200.0 hPa (mbar)o choice of 4 connection types, connection interchangeable (G 1/8)o in suitcase incl. 6 mm PVC hoseListG1107-UT-SETG1107-QC6-SETG1107-ST6-SETG1107-MCM-SET
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